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Visual Communication



According to researchers, up to 83% of our learning and 90% of information comes from visual communication which has a big part of total. It is believed that for understanding the importance of visual communication, many situation happens all around us. I would like to describe it with an example;
Imagine, you are visiting to another country and you do not have any idea about this language, and more, the alphabet is not latin. There is no chance to use your dictionary. (Actually, you do not want to spend your holiday for these small things.) How a small drawing, icon or sign changes the everything, how all the visual elements make our life more easier. All designers are visual communicators and they (we) make our life more lifeable.

Methods of Visual Communication are;

  • Image formation;
    Foreground, background, lower and upper areas, left and right sides, center and all visible sectors along the perspective from the foreground to the background.
  • Art work;
    Dimension, colour, typography, sound, focus, presentation and position, foreground, background, and others.
  • Picture language;
    Documentary character, abstract or symbolic expression of painting, collage, graphics, etc. of used media.
  • Facial expression, gesture, body language;
    Emotional condition, dynamism, wants and needs.
  • Image analysis;
    Image formation, artwork, and picture language, individual and cultural expression and effectiveness of visual presentations.

Although, the methods of visual communication seem just limited static images, it is not.
Technology has opened the door to many different communication options. Each new technological advance has helped to evolve to communication in new ways. In this section, all technological devices, softwares have important roles.